Monday, January 30, 2017

riverbabble 30 winter 2017


Library of Congress, 1939: Buttermilk Junction

riverbabble 30


Dennis J. Bernstein:
         Visiting Gettysburg
         Science for the People

Patrick Cahill:
          Woman With Dog
          Cannonball Adderley, Jazz Workshop, 1959

Andrew R. Crow:
         Two Haiku

Colin Dardis:
          The Vacancy of Hours

Richard Fein:
          At Cedars of Lebanon Cemetery
          Floppy Red Hat

Bill Gainer:
          A Lonely Love
          Surrendering the Leaves

Rafael Jesús González:
         Ay Cuba / Oh Cuba
         Variación sobre lo que dijo Willy S / Take on What Willy S. Said

Suzanne Nielsen:
          Raining From Heaven

d. n. simmers:
          Like the taste of blood on the tongue
          We heard the cry of stony fields

Andy N:   Europa II (VIII)

Amy Neill Bebergal:   Moving Rocks

Maureen Brady Johnson:   Against the Current

Michael Lee Johnson:   Sing it Frank, Physical Therapy

Robert Masterson:   Diminishing Form #17

Mat McGee:   Nesting Dolls

James B. Nicola:   Balloon

Carlos Reyes:   Trust

John Swain:   Manitou

Corlene Van Sluizer:   Winter Solstice

Phibby Venable  Even When the World Is Erratic

Mercedes Webb-Pullman:   Lorca's bones, Caserna de la Guardia Civil, Vizna

Anne Whitehouse:   Fertile Earth


Roger D. Hicks:   Burying Old Buck

John Laneri:   From Wines to Sunsets

Fernando Meisendhalter:   So, What Are You Up To These Days?

Ken Poyner:   The Gain Sum

James Shaffer:   The Edge of Everything

Sandy Vrooman:   A Solstice Tale

Alice Whittenburg:   A Buttermilk Sky

Flash Fiction

Janet Buck:
          A Roach's Point of View
          The Peephole

KJ Hannah Greenberg:
          Ring-a-Round the Birthday
          Marvelous Millions Associate, Thug Thousands

Maureen Kingston:   At the Notions Counter

Lester Weil:
          Buttermilk Junction
          Live Free or Die


Edward Mycue:   Writing

Jim Ross:   When I Walk in, Court Adjourns

Tom Sheehan:   Rough Immersion


Library of Congress, 1939:   Buttermilk Junction (cover) 

His smile faded as he walked, a heavy cloud hiding the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front. Trams passed one another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging. Useless words. Things go on same, day after day: squads of police marching out, back: trams in, out. Those two loonies mooching about.
                                                        JAMES JOYCE, Ulysses, Lestrygonian, 7755-7759.

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Pandemonium Press

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Leila Rae, editor

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