riverbabble 18
Winter Issue
Ixchel, la diosa luna (Spanish)
Nina Seranno:
Ixchel, the Moon Goddess (English translation)
Rafael Jesús González:
Canción de cuna: las luces de Marfa /
Cradle Song: the Lights of Marfa
Conversión de un tamborilero/Conversion of a Drummer
Laura McCullough:
To the God of Pryrography
The Small God of Winter, a Little God of Temperatures
April Michelle Bratten:
White Flowers in Winter 2000
Nighttime Range
Suchoon Mo: Snow Flake
jd Daniels: Ghazal of the Now
Timothy Gager: When It Is Still Winter
Maude Larke: Center Congregational Church/19 January 1979
Stephanie Bryant Anderson: White Ground, Glares
Colin Dardis: Deepest Breath
Joanne Faries: Innocuous
Zoë Gabriel: Pendulum, Not Tightrope
Morgan Harlow: Accumulation
Travis Hedge Coke: Impromptu 49er, 1:25 a.m. Los Angeles
Robert Jacoby: the voices in the hallway I'll never tell you about
Jocelyn Paige Kelly: Soul Flakes
Anthony Adrian Pino: Of Storms and Cities
Tim Tomlinson: Gulf Stream
William Landis: The Nude The Sea The Sky Standing Open
Aleathia Drehmer: Cy Twombly / Animula Vagula, 1979
Jon Sindell: Donuts
Anthony Adrian Pino: A Meditation on Snow: The Death of J. J. Finkelstein
Eric Prochaska: Shadows in Midgard
Renos Nicos Spanoudes: Status
Tim Tomlinson: Just Tell Me Who It Was
Francine Witte: Halfway Up the Mountain
Chella Courington: Bad Night
Joyce Lautens O'Brien: Dystopia
Michael K. Gause: The Work of Snow
Jannie M. Dresser: Is the Music Over? Has Free Verse Made Poets Tone Deaf?
James Joyce, Ulysses, p. 4901-4954
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Leila Rae, editor