Friday, July 31, 2015

Full moon: Of Moons & Dreams


--------De lunas y sueños

----------------. . . la vida es sueño
----------------y los sueños, sueños son.

---------------------~ Pedro Calderón de la Barca

El mes empieza y cierra
con dos lunas llenas,
la última con leve tinte azul
sobre las trompetas péndulas
de la datura su perfume espeso
provocando sueños
que enmiendan los códigos del viento
y se rinden a la seducción de los ángeles.

Despiertos sospechamos que aunque
la datura no huela de día
nuestros días también pasan 

-----------------atados por sueños.

-----------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015

---------Of Moons & Dreams

-------------------. . . la vida es sueño
-----------------y los sueños, sueños son.

-------------------------------Pedro Calderón de la Barca

The month begins & closes
with two full moons,
the last with a slight tinge of blue
over the pendulant trumpets
of the datura, its thick perfume
provoking dreams
that amend the codes of the wind
& succumb to the allure of angels.

Awake, we suspect that though
the datura does not smell by day,
our days, too,  pass
------------------bound by dreams.

------------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015


Tuesday, July 21, 2015





El león, ojos de carnalina,
colmillos, garras de sardónice,
lleva en el pecho corazón de rubí
que guarda el fuego fijo del valor.
-----Anhela devorar al sol
-----y mudarlo en oro
que surgiera por sus venas
como río caliente de luz.

----------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015



 The lion, carnelian eyes,
fangs, claws of sardonyx,
carries in his breast a ruby heart
that holds the steadfast fires of courage.
------It desires to devour the sun
------and turn it into gold
that would run in his veins
like a hot river of light.

----------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015


Saturday, July 18, 2015

International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement, Sept. 25-26


I try not to post pleas for funds for worthy causes and limit and restrain myself from posting any of the myriad urgent alerts that flood my e-mail every day — each one of them addressing one of the myriad threats to justice, to democracy, to the Earth itself and to the life she bears.

But I post this (please forgive its long read) because I am intimately involved with the International Tribunal of Conscience to convene in New York City, September 25-26; I have been named one of the Elder Guardianes de los Pueblos en Movimiento, asked to conduct the opening ceremony, and to serve on the jury for the International Tribunal for which Naom Chompsky, among other well-known voices of conscience, will bear witness and present testimony.

Asking for both your indulgence and your support for this important event in the struggle for justice, I send blessings —

Rafael Jesús González


Dear conveners, jurors, complainants, supporters:

We continue engaged in intensive planning for the upcoming International Tribunal of Conscience at New York University on september 25 and 26 focused on the implications of the current human rights crisis in Mexico for U.S policy regarding NAFTA and the drug war, and their relationship to human rights issues in the U.S. PLEASE HELP US RAISE THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THIS INITIATIVE, DONATE ONLINE HERE.

The Tribunal is being convened as part of international commemorations of the 1st anniversary of the forced disappearance of the 43 students from the rural teacher´s college in Ayotzinapa in the region of Guerrero, Mexico, and will focus on:

1. The current human rights crisis in Mexico (140,000 dead and 27,000 disappeared since 2007, generalized torture, extrajudicial executions; systematic persecution of migrants in transit, indigenous peoples, human rights activists, journalists)

2. The impact of U.S policy (NAFTA, CAFTA, the drug war- Mérida Initiative, military and police aid, immigration and asylum policy)

3. The relationship between human rights violations in Mexico and racial and police violence, mass incarceration, and the mass detention of immigrants in the U.S, and the militarization of the U.S-Mexico border



Camilo Pérez-Bustillo and Dorinda Moreno, on behalf of Fuerza Mundial Global and the International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in movement (ITCPM)


International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement (ITCPM)



The 1st U.S. Tribunal Hearings on Human Rights and Migrant Justice in Mexico and Central America on Friday, September 25 (Opening session 7 p.m) and Saturday, September 26, 2015 (9-5 p.m.) at New York University (NYU), New York City. New York.

Fuerza Mundial, the ITCPM, the History Department and Hemispheric Center for Performance and Politics at New York University (NYU) and the National Lawyers´ Guild are joining together to host the first U.S. Tribunal hearings on the deepening human rights crisis in Mexico and Central America in all of its relevant dimensions including the role of U.S. aid and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its connections to mass incarceration and police violence in the U.S.

The Tribunal is timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the forced disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa in Mexico and with this year’s opening of the United Nations General Assembly and a concurrent visit by Pope Francis. The Tribunal will be dedicated in solidarity with the families of the Ayotzinapa students who have been touring the U.S. expressing their anguish and sorrow and seeking support and justice for their children and public attention to this critical human rights case. The Tribunal hearings will examine key cases of persistent human rights violations in Mexico, against immigrants of Mexican origin in the U.S., and against migrants in transit from Central America and Mexico and especially the continuing exodus of children and youth. The current human rights crisis in Mexico is unprecedented in that country´s history in terms of scale, depth, extent (over 140,000 dead and 26,000 disappeared since 2007, not including a still unknown number of disappeared migrants).

We are urgently seeking your help in bringing the Tribunal to the U.S. By holding this historic event in New York City at the time of the annual session of the UN General Assembly, we are showing that the people of the United States of America stand in solidarity with the nations of the world to hold our leaders accountable, to put an end to human rights violations and insure the safe movement of all people throughout the globe.

Please donate to this critically important cause to fund the needed travel and expenses of hosting individuals and noted international scholars and artists who place themselves in great harm speaking out against the atrocities of their governments. Your contribution will allow those who cannot afford to pay for their travel to speak and be heard by a jury of peers regarding their testimonies of violence and injustice.

In addition, the impact of your dollars will allow for us to provide technical and media support to create a meaningful discussion of the U.S. role in the aid it provides to the Mexican and Central American governments and its implications. We intend to publish and widely disseminate the findings of these hearings to the public in both English and Spanish, and seek support for an end to the violence and to U.S. aid of foreign governments who enable such travesties. Your dollars will help us do this.

In addition, we need you to be a sponsor of this initiative, which could include your support in any or all of the following ways:

1) In-kind services such as space (hosting members of the Tribunal´s jury and staff in your homes or hosting a house party to raise funds) in New York for the Tribunal dates, September 23 – 26, 2015. These include travel dates.

2)    Design and printing (posters, flyers, promotional postcards or bookmarks, programs, background material) services or materials.

3)    Food (for the members of the jury and staff) already prepared or catered.

4)    Music, poetry or other art as donations for fundraising.

5)    Spanish/English translation and interpretation services (including headsets) at the event both days.

6)    Media assistance to photograph, video and document the event and publish the finding afterwards.

Please go to the Volunteer page for additional information on volunteering and to follow-up on in-kind donations.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

"Bravo Fuerza Mundial and the ITCPM! This is a worthy cause as we are ignorant of the facts and immoral in our actions towards immigration and our own humanity."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Spillway reading Saturday, July 18

You are most cordially invited

Saturday, July 18, 2015

at 4:00 p.m.


1611 4th Steet

San Rafael, California

for a reading by contributors 
to Spillway 22 & 23, 
Susan Terris, Spillway Editor, 

to include:

David Alpaugh, Joan Baranow,
 Francesca Bell, Rose Black, 
Kelly Cressio-Moeller, CB Follett, 
Rafael Jesús González, Christina Hutchins, 
Susan Kelly-DeWitt, Sandra Nicholls, 
Noorulain Noor, Kate Peper, 
Shawn Pittard, Edythe Haendel Schwartz, 
Jen Sharda, Jeanne Wagner, 
Cherise Wyneken, & Joe Zaccardi 

(Also the 10th anniversary of Rebound Books
champagne & cake will be served)


Saturday, July 4, 2015

U. S. Independence Day

------------Oh, Say Can You See?

The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate
the growth of private power to a point where it becomes
stronger than their democratic State itself. That, in essence
is Fascism — ownership of government by an individual,
by a group, or by any controlling private power.

---------------------------------President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Oh, say, can you see
that these truths be sacred & undeniable,
that we hold them to be self-evident,
proclaimed by the rocket's red glare
& the fire-crackers in your ears,
the smell of barbecue
& hamburgers on the grill,
the beer foam on your lips?

We are told so
as the Constitution is made confetti
& we praise the Lord
for the money in our pocket
& support the troops, our youth,
because they kill bravely, die bravely
terrorizing the terrorists,
& torture the infidels who are jealous
of our liberties.
-------------------Oh, say, can you see?

-------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015

-------------¿Oh, say can you see?

La libertad de una democracia no es salva si el pueblo tolera
el crecimiento del poder privado hasta al punto en que se hace
más fuerte que su estado democrático mismo.Eso en esencia
es el Fascismo — posesión del gobiernopor un individuo,
por un grupo, o por un partido privado dominante.

 ---------------------------- Presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt

¿Oh, say, can you see
que esas verdades son consagradas e innegables,
que las tenemos por evidentes de por si,
proclamadas por el deslumbre rojizo del cohete
y los petardos en tus oídos,
por el olor del asado,
y las hamburguesas en la parrilla,
la espuma de la cerveza en tus labios?

Se nos dice tal
a la vez que la Constitución se hace confeti
y alabamos al Señor
por el dinero en la bolsa
y apoyamos las tropas, nuestros jóvenes,
porque ellos matan, mueren valientemente,
aterrorizando a los terroristas,
y torturan a los infieles que envidian
nuestras libertades.
-----------------------¿Oh, say, can you see?

------------------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

full moon: Under the Impartial Moon


-Under the Impartial Moon,
-----So Much for Sex

You have a dong
or you have a ding;
---at various times
------& different places
you may ding-ding
or you may ding-dong
or you may dong-dong.

Anyway, the music is lovely
& you can’t go wrong.

--------© Rafael Jesús González 2015

Let us celebrate human sexuality in its diversity and joy
with an open heart and unfettered good humor.

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
the Constitution requires all states to grant same-sex marriages
and recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states.

-----Bajo la luna imparcial,
---------tanto por el sexo

Tienes un don
o tienes una doña;
---en varias ocasiones 

------y en distintos lugares
harás doña-doña
o harás doña-don
o harás don-don.

De todos modos la música es linda
y no necesitas perdón.

------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2015

Celebremos la sexualidad humana en su diversidad y regocijo
con corazón abierto y libre buen humor.

El 26 de junio 2015, la Corte Suprema de los EE. UU. estableció
que la constitución requiere que todo estado permita
matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
y reconozca matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo
permitidos en otros estados.