
Oración del campesino en la lucha
Enséñame el sufrimiento de los más desafortunados;
así conoceré el dolor de mi pueblo.
Líbrame a orar por los demás
porque estás presente en cada persona.
Ayúdame a tomar responsabilidad de mi propia vida;
sólo así, seré libre al fin.
Concédeme valentía para servir al prójimo
porque en la entrega hay vida verdadera.
Concédeme honradez y paciencia
para que yo pueda trabajar junto con otros trabajadores.
Alúmbranos con el canto y la celebración
para que se eleve el espíritu entre nosotros.
Que el espíritu florezca y crezca
para que no nos cansemos de la lucha.
Acordémonos de los que han caído por la justicia
porque a nosotros han entregado la vida.
Ayúdanos a amar aun a los que nos odian;
así podremos cambiar el mundo.
Enséñame el sufrimiento de los más desafortunados;
así conoceré el dolor de mi pueblo.
Líbrame a orar por los demás
porque estás presente en cada persona.
Ayúdame a tomar responsabilidad de mi propia vida;
sólo así, seré libre al fin.
Concédeme valentía para servir al prójimo
porque en la entrega hay vida verdadera.
Concédeme honradez y paciencia
para que yo pueda trabajar junto con otros trabajadores.
Alúmbranos con el canto y la celebración
para que se eleve el espíritu entre nosotros.
Que el espíritu florezca y crezca
para que no nos cansemos de la lucha.
Acordémonos de los que han caído por la justicia
porque a nosotros han entregado la vida.
Ayúdanos a amar aun a los que nos odian;
así podremos cambiar el mundo.
------------------------------por César E. Chávez
------------------------------Fundador del UFW
------------------------------Fundador del UFW
-----Prayer of the Farm Workers' Struggle
Show me the suffering of the most miserable;
thus I will know my people's plight.
Free me to pray for others,
for you are present in every person.
Help me take responsibility for my own life
so that I can be free at last.
Grant me courage to serve my neighbor
for in surrender is there truly life.
Grant me honesty and patience
so that I can work with other workers.
Enlighten us with song and celebration
so that the spirit will be alive among us.
Let the spirit flourish and grow
so that we will never tire of the struggle.
Let us remember those who have died for justice
for they have given us life.
Help us love even those who hate us;
thus we can change the world.
----------------------b--by César E. Chávez
----------------------------------UFW Founder
----------------------------------UFW Founder
“Si se puede!” the slogan of the United Farm Workers (which was
used by Barack Obama in his presidential campaigns) has been a
rallying cry for the farm workers for decades. Tonight we salute
those who grow and harvest our crops, and the organization
created by Cesar Chavez in 1962 to organize workers for better
working conditions and a living wage. Or, as the UFW puts it,
“to provide farm workers and other working people with the
inspiration and tools to share in society’s bounty.” The
struggle for that goal continues, and as we salute Chavez’s
crucial role on this day, Cascada de Flores provides music for
listening, dancing, and organizing!
The lively Mexican music band Cascada de Flores (Cascade of Flowers) features singer Arwen Lawrence and guitarist Jorge Liceaga, who are well-known not only for their stage shows for grown-ups, but also for award-winning children’s concerts. They are joined by Miguel Govea (of La Familia Peña-Govea). For all ages they combine a wide range of regional Mexican styles, classic songs, and some originals. Their songs speak of the diversity of roots in Mexico and Mexicans in the U.S. and of indigenous, Spanish, and African roots.
Mexican poet Rafael Jesús González, whose moving reflections on the American “standard of living” have touched lives coast to coast, will read from his works with flautist Gerardo Omar Marín. Named a "Remarkable Californian" by the Museum of California, González is a passionate voice for freedom and his commentaries often are stinging rebukes to American assumptions.
The joyful music making of La Familia Pena-Govea began over 30 years ago as a simple family pastime. Mother and father and two daughters have since brought their gift to venues as varied as Davies Symphony Hall and San Quentin Prison, from the streets of Bakersfield to the pubs of Donegal, and to countless festivals, weddings, baptisms, funerals, libraries, classrooms, hospital wards, and backyard barbecues. Their infectious music raises the spirits, and creates an irresistible urge to dance and sing and join in the fun. Named "a cultural voice in the Bay Area" by Latin Beat Magazine, the members of La Familia Peña-Govea sing play traditional Mexican, American, Tex-Mex and Colombian music, including: rancheras, polkas, valses, vallenatos, boleros, danzónes, chachas, and cumbias.
The lively Mexican music band Cascada de Flores (Cascade of Flowers) features singer Arwen Lawrence and guitarist Jorge Liceaga, who are well-known not only for their stage shows for grown-ups, but also for award-winning children’s concerts. They are joined by Miguel Govea (of La Familia Peña-Govea). For all ages they combine a wide range of regional Mexican styles, classic songs, and some originals. Their songs speak of the diversity of roots in Mexico and Mexicans in the U.S. and of indigenous, Spanish, and African roots.
Mexican poet Rafael Jesús González, whose moving reflections on the American “standard of living” have touched lives coast to coast, will read from his works with flautist Gerardo Omar Marín. Named a "Remarkable Californian" by the Museum of California, González is a passionate voice for freedom and his commentaries often are stinging rebukes to American assumptions.
The joyful music making of La Familia Pena-Govea began over 30 years ago as a simple family pastime. Mother and father and two daughters have since brought their gift to venues as varied as Davies Symphony Hall and San Quentin Prison, from the streets of Bakersfield to the pubs of Donegal, and to countless festivals, weddings, baptisms, funerals, libraries, classrooms, hospital wards, and backyard barbecues. Their infectious music raises the spirits, and creates an irresistible urge to dance and sing and join in the fun. Named "a cultural voice in the Bay Area" by Latin Beat Magazine, the members of La Familia Peña-Govea sing play traditional Mexican, American, Tex-Mex and Colombian music, including: rancheras, polkas, valses, vallenatos, boleros, danzónes, chachas, and cumbias.