K. con su rollo de garabatos,
J. con su escoba gastada,
juntos se reían de la luna;
el uno le decía sus versos,
el otro le barría el camino
--------para su luz.
“¿Porqué tan altiva?”
--------le preguntaban,
“¿Porqué tan llena de ti misma?”
Y su risa resonaba en la noche.
--------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

---Kanzan, Jittoko, & the Full Moon
K. with his scroll of scrawls,
J. with his ratty broom
together would laugh at the moon;
the one would read her his verses,
the other would sweep the way
-----------for her light.
“Why so haughty?” they’d ask her,
“Why so full of yourself?”
& their laughter would ring in the night.
----------------© Rafael Jesús González 2008
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