Thursday, March 8, 2012

full moon: The Minotaur Gazes at the Moon


El Minotauro contempla la luna

El Minotauro,
rey estelar,
desde su laberinto
contempla la luna llena
prisionero perdido
en cada rincón
y corredor sin salida
de su mundo torcido
por herencia y destino.
Sueña con campos
cubiertos de hierba y de flores
bajo cielos de nubes y soles.
Le pesan los cuernos
y en tristeza y rabia
se roe el corazón.

Indiferente la luna
con luz débil alumbra
los recintos oscuros
de su cárcel y hogar.
Desde su laberinto
el Minotauro
contempla la luna

-----© Rafael Jesús González 2012

The Minotaur Gazes at the Moon

The Minotaur,
starry king,
from his labyrinth
gazes at the full moon,
lost prisoner
in each corner
& dead-end
of his world twisted
by heritage & fate.
He dreams of fields
covered with grass & flowers
under skies of clouds & suns.
The horns weigh on him
& in grief & rage
he gnaws at his heart.

Indifferent the moon
with weak light illumines
the dark precincts
of his jail & home.
From his labyrinth
the Minotaur
gazes at the moon.

-----© Rafael Jesús González 2012


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