Friday, October 10, 2014



---------Rezo a Huehuecóyotl

---------------(al modo nahua)


 Señor Coyote Viejo,
-----Señor del regocijo de la carne,
levanta tu flor de jade,
---------------tu sonaja de oro;
luce tu penacho de plumas,
-----tu manto bordado;
a la luna levanta la quinta copa.
Señor del canto, Señor de la danza,
-----Señor del deleite sensual,
sálvanos de la prudencia cobarde,
-----máscara opresiva
que pretende ponerle buena cara
-----a la prudente cobardía.
Señor del exceso,
---------------------Señor del festín,
-----deslúmbranos con la vida.

------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014

-----Prayer To Huehuecoyotl

------------(in the Nahua mode)


Old Lord Coyote,
-----Lord of the flesh's rejoicing,
raise your flower of jade,
---------------your rattle of gold;
sport your headdress of plumes,
-----your embroidered cape;
raise high the fifth cup to the moon.
Lord of the song, Lord of the dance,
-----Lord of sensual delight,
save us from cowardly prudence,
-----oppressive mask
that pretends to put a good face
-----on prudent cowardliness.
Lord of the feast,
---------------------Lord of excess,
-----overwhelm us with life.

---------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014


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