Monday, October 9, 2017

Ché 14/6/28 – 9/10/67


----Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
------------14/6/28 – 9/10/67

Entre el acero y el oro
en la escuela de la higuera
se apagó
una rosa de llamas;
segaron una azucena
------hecha roja de sangre,
un corazón ancho y profundo
y a la vez intratable, endurecido,
de una terrible ternura,
de una compasión violenta,
adicto a la justicia;
sanador de medicina amarga
que frente al ultraje
amartilló el bisturí
------en bayoneta,
fervoroso cirujano
de cánceres sociales.
Le cortaron las manos;
de las balas en su cuerpo
brotó el mito
y la palabra ‘Revolución’
recobró nuevo lustre
-----nuevo tinte.

Su epitafio, el lema:
‘Hasta la victoria siempre.’

------© Rafael Jesús González 2017

by Alberto Korda


----Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
----------------6/14/28 – 10/9/67

Between steel & gold
in the school of the fig
was extinguished,
-----(they extinguished)
a rose of flames;
cut down a lily
----made red with blood,
a heart wide & deep
& at once intractable, hardened,
of a terrible tenderness,
of a violent compassion,
addicted to justice;
healer of bitter medicine
who in the face of outrage
hammered the scalpel
-----into bayonet,
earnest surgeon
of social cancers.
They cut off his hands;
from the bullets in his body
bloomed the myth
& the word ‘Revolution’
took on a new luster
------new color.

His epitaph, the motto:
‘Until victory forever.’

-------------© Rafael Jesús González 2017- - --

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