Thursday, February 24, 2022

Peace must prevail


The fate of humanity, that of the Earth itself, is at stake as Russia invades the Ukraine. We, the people, cannot stand by as diplomatic shortcomings and myopic vision puts life itself in peril. The costs are much, much too high. Even the sanctions we would impose upon Russia would be disastrous not only for Russia but for our and the world’s economy, and it would accelerate climate change. Intransigence would cost too much in lives and the wellbeing of the Earth.

One chief point of contention, as The Nation notes is that: "NATO expansion provided the context for this crisis—one too often ignored by our media. There is a rank irrationality and irresponsibility in offering future NATO membership to Ukraine—when, as successive US presidents and our NATO allies have demonstrated, they do not have the slightest intention of fighting to defend Ukraine. Instead, Putin’s demand, essentially that the status quo—i.e., Ukraine remaining outside of NATO—be codified, was scorned as violating NATO’s “principle” of admitting anyone it wanted." 

 Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is execrable by any measure but we must recall the Cuban Crisis of 1962 when we threatened invasion of Cuba because it hosted Russian nuclear missiles near our borders. The missiles were dismantled. We (U.S., NATO) cannot afford insisting upon nuclear missiles on Russia’s border if this incites a war that threatens the entire world. Far too much is at stake for a compromise that small. NUCLEAR WAR MUST NOT BE AN OPTION ON AN EARTH ALREADY IN DIRE PERIL.

 It is urgent that we call the White House directly at 202-456-1111 and leave a comment urging that President Biden use every diplomatic tool at his disposal to encourage Russia to end this aggression. Among those diplomatic tools is the assurance that Ukraine not be permitted to join NATO.

 In our calls we must make clear that diplomacy must ensure that Ukraine must be an independent nation but does not join NATO.

 As Sara Haghdoosti of Win Without War says, "It is clear that we — the pro-diplomacy, pro-peace majority — have to keep showing up, now and in the weeks and months ahead."

 We must not stand by, else we perish. 

         love of life must prevail

Join a webinar on February 28th at 3 pm Honolulu, 5 pm Los Angeles, 7 pm Mexico City, 8 pm New York; March 1st at 9 am Beijing, 10 am Tokyo, 12 pm Sydney, 2 pm 


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