----------Luna partera
La madrina luna nos mira
con cara impasible
y bendice todo
con su luz prestada.
Nos protege de los meteoritos
y es partera de la vida terrestre
pues sin su jalar de los mares
no hubieran los charcos
de la marisma que nos dieron nacer
a quienes nos arrastramos---o andamos en tierra.
Nos bendice la luna
con su luz prestada.
------------© Rafael Jesús González 2011

--------Midwife Moon
Godmother moon looks at us
with impassive face
& blesses all
with her lent light.
She protects us from meteorites
& is midwife of terrestrial life
for without her pull of the seas
there would not be the pools
of the tides that birthed us
who crawl or walk on land.
The moon blesses us
with her borrowed light.
--------© Rafael Jesús González 2011
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