Tuesday, April 15, 2014

full moon: Sowing Dreams


-------------Sembrando sueños

Se empaña, enrojece el espejo de la noche
la luna que algunos llaman Abuela
(tal vez porque si tuviera cabello
sería de canas.)
La cubre la sombra de la tierra
para que las estrellas
esas semillas de los sueños
brillen un tanto más.

Bendit@ quien siembra tal semilla.

---------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014

after Marcos Couch 2014

----------------Sowing Dreams

The mirror of the night dims and reddens,
the moon which some call Grandmother
(perhaps because if she had hair
it would be white.)
The Earth's shadow veils her
so that the stars,
those seeds of dreams,
might shine a bit more bright,

Blessed who sows such seed.



---------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014


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