Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Full Moon of the Winter Solstice


Luna llena del solsticio invernal

Esta noche más larga de las noches la luna plena del desierto es tan brillante que despierta a las cabras en sus corrales y prolonga los aullidos de los coyotes. Ilumina los cerros y las ciudades gemelas del paso del norte divididas por el río encadenado y muros coronados de alambre espinado construidos tanto de la codicia y la miseria como de cemento. Es heraldo del Sol que a lento paso alargará los días.

En la hora más nueva del día la luna en su más llena oscureció, apagó su luz por completo ocultando su rostro en la sombra de la Tierra. ¿Sería que la madrina se avergüenza del mundo que hemos creado de nuestra codicia y arrogante ignorancia, este mundo compuesto de injusticia y violencia?

No obstante ahora luce la luna en todo su fulgor cargada de esperanza que el Sol alargando los días nos ilumine el camino hacia un mundo mejor.

© Rafael Jesús González 2010

© by tgagephot (ihveissues) 2010

Full Moon of the Winter Solstice

This longest night of nights the full desert moon is so bright that it wakens the goats in their pens and prolongs the howls of the coyotes. It lights the mountains and the twin cities of the pass of the north divided by the shackled river and walls crowned with thorned wire and constructed as much of greed and misery as they are of cement. It is herald of the Sun which will slowly lengthen the days.

In the newest hour of the day, the moon at its fullest darkened, completely put out its light hiding its face in the shadow of the Earth. Could it be that the godmother is ashamed of the world we have created of our greed and arrogant ignorance, this world made of injustice and violence?

Nevertheless, now the moon shines in all its brilliance loaded with hope that the Sun lengthening the days may light the way toward a better world.

© Rafael Jesús González 2010

Atlas Celeste, John Bevis 1786


Winter Solstice & Capricorn

Winter Solstice & Capricorn



La cabra, piel hirsuta,
---cuernos de turquesa,
---ojos de granate,
---pesuñas de plomo,
se arrodilla a Saturno,
planeta de sortijas,
en la noche larga
----y persevera, dura
----en su anhelo de cornear
el punto cardinal de la tierra.

----------© Rafael Jesús González 2010


The goat, hirsute hide,
-----horns of turquoise
-----garnet eyes,
-----hoofs of lead,
kneels to Saturn,
planet of rings,
in the long night
---& perseveres, persists
---in his desire to gore
the cardinal point of the earth.

----------© Rafael Jesús González 2010


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe


------Rezo a Tonantzin

---madre de todo
---lo que de ti vive,
es, habita, mora, está;
Madre de todos los dioses
------------------las diosas
madre de todos nosotros,
-------la nube y el mar
-------la arena y el monte
-------el musgo y el árbol
-------el ácaro y la ballena.

Derramando flores
haz de mi manto un recuerdo
que jamás olvidemos que tú eres
único paraíso de nuestro vivir.

Bendita eres,
cuna de la vida, fosa de la muerte,
fuente del deleite, piedra del sufrir.

concédenos, madre, justicia,
--------concédenos, madre, la paz.

---------© Rafael Jesús González 2010

anonymous, Mexico 1746

----Prayer to Tonantzin

-----mother of all
-----that of you lives,
be, dwells, inhabits, is;
Mother of all the gods
---------------the goddesses
Mother of us all,
---------the cloud & the sea
---------the sand & the mountain
---------the moss & the tree
---------the mite & the whale.

Spilling flowers
make of my cloak a reminder
that we never forget that you are
the only paradise of our living.

Blessed are you,
cradle of life, grave of death,
fount of delight, rock of pain.

Grant us, mother, justice,
-------grant us, mother, peace.

--------© Rafael Jesús González 2010

by Robert Lentz


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fronterizos in Exile: a reading of border writers & expatriates December 29


Fronterizos in Exile

a reading of border writers & expatriats

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

7:00 PM

Loftlight Studio

315 S. El Paso St.

Downtown El Paso

A reading by writers

followed by a poetry & acoustical music open mic

Featuring (among others):

Amalio Madueño

Rafael Jesús González

Rosalia Solarzano

Robb Chávez

Olga Camacho


Cover: $5

For more info:
(915) 258-0989 - rayerojas@gmail.com

sponsored by: Chican@ Poetic Conspiracy, BorderSenses,
Friends of the El Paso Public Library, The Tumblewords Project,
Pluma Fronteriza Blog & Newsletter, Verse & Harmony


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poetry Feeds, A Benefit for Share First Oakland, Dec. 12


Poetry Feeds

A Benefit for Share First Oakland

"Feeding the Hungry,
Creating Cooperative Food Security Solutions for Oakland Now"

Readings by more than thirty eminent
Bay Area poets and writers

including special guests:

Francisco X. Alarcón

Lorna Dee Cervantes

Lucha Corpi

Sharon Doubiago

Jack & Adelle Foley

Rafael Jesús González

Cecile Pineda

Ishmael Reed

Ruth Schwartz

plus food, books, crafts,
and a "poetry wall" for auction!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

First Congregational Church of Oakland

2501 Harrison
(corner with 27th St.)

Oakland, California
