Friday, July 18, 2008

Full Moon in a Dry Summer

Luna plena en verano de sequía

La luna plena se eleva
con un tinte rojizo
-----del humo
de los bosques encendidos.
En la sequía las aguas
que levantaría
-----se escasean
como el salmón en los ríos.

Su color, al aparecer,
es ese del perturbo
---en la sangre.

------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

Full Moon in a Dry Summer

The full moon rises
with a reddish tint
------from the smoke
of the forests burning.
In the drought, the waters
she would lift
-----grow scarce
as the salmon in the streams.

Her color, it would seem,
is that of the disquiet
---in our blood.

------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

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