Thursday, June 12, 2014

full moon: Lunar Reminder


---------Recuerdo lunar

No sé porque lo crea necesario
recordarte que se llena la luna.
Tal vez sea porque
tema yo mismo ignorar
las epifanías cotidianas,
los milagros común y corrientes
que nos iluminan la vida
y por descuido
opacar el asombro.

(Si presunción sea, perdona;
tal vez presunción sea el amar.)

---------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014


----------Lunar Reminder

I do not know why I think it a need
to remind you that the moon grows full.
Perhaps it is because
I myself fear overlooking
the quotidian epiphanies,
the miracles common & current
that illumine our lives
& through carelessness
dull my amazement.

(If it is presumption, forgive;
perhaps love itself is presumption.)



---------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2014

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