Wednesday, October 24, 2018

full moon: Moon in the Southern Sky


------Luna en cielo del sur

En los cielos de la cruz del sur
el ángel sanador saca de su morral
su tarro redondo, la luna,
de bálsamo de luz
para aliviar la fiebre que causa
el mundo a la Tierra.
Con el abanicar de sus alas
trata de sanar los vientos,
con el toque de sus manos
sanar las aguas,
con el pisar de sus pies
sanar la tierra,
con la bondad de sus ojos
domar los incendios.
El ángel vagamundo
pescado en mano
con bálsamo de luz trata de sanar
la ceguera del mundo.

---------© Rafael Jesús González 2018


Moon in the Southern Sky

In the sky of the Southern Cross,
the healing angel takes from his bag
his round jar, the moon,
of balsam of light
to ease the fever caused
by the world to the Earth.
With the fanning of his wings
he tries to heal the winds,
with the touch of his hands
to heal the waters,
with the stepping of his feet
to heal the earth,
with the kindness of his eyes
to tame the fires.
The vagabond angel,
fish in hand,
with balm of light tries to heal
the blindness of the world. 

------------© Rafael Jesús González 2018


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