Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day


        The Man Who Rows

After the meal, the fortune cookie
yields, not a fortune, but its wisdom:
“The man who rows the boat
doesn't have time to rock it,”
it says. Who can deny its truth? 
Yet, if the boat needs rocking,
must not the man stop rowing?
There comes a time when the boat
cannot go on if the man rowing
is enslaved and bound with need.
The man must lay down the oar
and stop his rowing to demand
just due. A strike they call it,
a reminder that without the man’s
rowing the boat stands still 
or is taken by the current. 
Take care that justice is the rudder
of the boat, that the rower has a living
wage, a break to smell the roses 
on the shore, else the man 
must stop his rowing.

                                © Rafael Jesús González 2024

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