Wednesday, March 19, 2008

U. S. invasion of Iraq: five years later

Written five years ago on the eve
of the United States’ invasion of Iraq,
night of a full moon.

Fernando Botero

Luna perseguida por perros

La luna plena entra
por mi ventana;
sus enaguas blancas
llenan el cuarto.

Me persiguen los perros —
dice — Mira,
mira como me han
desgarrado las faldas;
hay una bola
de perros enloquecidos
sueltos en el mundo.

Temo que mañana
mis enaguas se tiñan
rojas de sangre.

Hay perros rabiosos
sueltos en el mundo.

------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

----------------------(RUNES, no. 4, 2004;
----------------------CB Follet y Susan Terris;
----------------------derechos reservados del autor)

Fernando Botero

Moon Chased by Dogs

The full moon comes
through my window;
her white skirts
fill the room.

I am chased by the dogs,
she says. Look,
look how they have
shredded my skirts;
there is a pack
of mad dogs
let loose in the world.

I am afraid that tomorrow
my skirts will be stained
red with blood.

There are mad dogs
let loose in the world.

------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

-----------------------(RUNES, issue 4, 2004;
-----------------------CB Follet & Susan Terris, eds.;
-----------------------author’s copyrights)

Fernando Botero

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