Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full moon: Perhaps the Moon

-------Tal vez la luna

Tal vez la luna
sí sea de queso,
un deliciosos gorgonzola,
----un manchego,
--------un suizo fino
cacarizo de cráteres y huecos,
-----un asadero.
Las lomas se me antojan
-----piezas de pan,
y el mar oscuro
-----una barrica de vino tinto,
granos de sal las estrellas
con que saborear
esta noche veraniega.

-----© Rafael Jesús González 2009

-------Perhaps the Moon

Perhaps the moon
is made of cheese,
a delicious gorgonzola,
----a manchego,
--------a fine Swiss
pockmarked with craters & holes,
----a whey.
I fancy the hills
----loaves of bread,
& the dark sea
----a butt of red wine,
grains of salt the stars
with which to savor
this summer night.

-----© Rafael Jesús González 2009

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