Saturday, October 23, 2010

Full moon: Moon Swollen with Light


---Luna hinchada de luz

La luna está hinchada de luz,
calabaza soltando
sus pepitas brillantes
sobre el suelo de la noche.

La luna esta llena de luz,
jarra de leche desbordándose
sobre la mesa de la noche.

La luna está hinchada de luz,
cochina pariendo
sus cochinitos relucientes
en la polciga de la noche.

La luna está hinchada de luz.

----© Rafael Jesús González 2010

---Moon Swollen with Light

The moon is swollen with light,
pumpkin releasing
it brilliant seeds
on the floor of the night.

The moon is full of light,
pitcher of milk overflowing
on the table of the night.

The moon is swollen with light,
sow birthing its shining piglets
in the sty of the night.

The moon is swollen with light.

------© Rafael Jesús González 2010

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