Sunday, January 31, 2016

riverbabble 28, Winter 2016


Subway Floor, Buenos Aires by Christopher Novak

riverbabble 28


Sharon Coleman:

Liz Dolan:
         Taking the New York State Writing Test (January 28, 1986)
         After the Second Shift

Richard Fein:
          A Cacophony of Drummers

Casey FitzSimons:
          Skara Brae

Nancy Flynn:
          Same As It Ever Was
          Before the chainsaw and the chain-link and the backhoe

Rafael Jesús González:
         Volviendo a casa / Coming Home
         Una voz perdida / A Lost Voice

Eileen Malone:
          Wild Lilac
          All Right

Suzanne Nielsen:
          There is no There There
          Dough Rising

Barbara Ruth:
          Cityscape #1
          Dead Dads Conversation

John Oliver Simon:

Sandra Storey:
          Time has to be thick
          On the Verge Haikus

Anne Whitehouse:
          The "E-E-E-E-E-E"

Virginia Barrett:   Black

Gary Beck:   Art for the People

Maia Cornish:   The Lipstick

Suzanne Bruce:   The Rain Will Come

Patricia Bulitt:   Sometimes she thinks this

jd daniels:   Lavished

Colin Dardis:   Why the Great Ones Wrote

William Doreski:   To the Other

KJ Hannah Greenberg:   The Elusiveness of a Royal Title

Jennifer Hernandez:   Campsite wild berries

James Croal Jackson:   Golden Gate

Oonah V. Joslin:   Another Launch

Marie Kilroy:   The Fair

Maureen Kingston:   How Practice Makes Perfect

Miriam Kotzin:   Moth Wings. Memory

W. F. Lantry:   This is How a Person Becomes a Flowering Orchard

Larry Lefkowitz:   Completion / Incompletion

Joseph Lisowski:   Quick Winter Thaw

Lisa Ludden:   Books, Bicycles

Suchoon Mo:   Dance of a Fly

Janell Moon:   Distraction

Sharon Lask Munson:   Mystery of the Missing Billfold

Edward Mycue:   From a Faded Sepia Photograph

James B. Nicola:   Menhir

Anthony Adrian Xavier Pino:   Ocean City, July 2013

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal:   Escaping Winter's Chill (haiku)

David Shaddock:    November, Tilden

d. n. simmers:    Last Night

John Swain:   Behind the Hill

Phibby Venable:   Considering the Horses

David Welper:   The Ends of Things

Yuan Changming:   Another Snowfall


Anna Bálint:   The Girl on the Pay Phone

Liz Dolan:   Bless Me, Father

Roger Leatherwood:   Dan in the San Diego Rain

Doug McBride:   Wants and Needs

Tom Sheehan:   The Last of the Roses

Clinton Siegle:   Jack saves a Princess in modern era

Flash Fiction

Maureen Kingston:   Swing Shift at Fallen Oaks Care Center

Joseph Lisowski:   Lost in Transit

Robert McPeak:   Dad's Watch

James Shaffer:   The Gift

Sandy Steinman:   The Ladies'

David Spicer:
           Girl in the Neon Green Rubber Rain Boots
           Night of the Long Trucks


Joan Bailey:   Guests of an Indifferent Host

Jim Ross:   The Pit

He had come nearer the edge of the sea and wet sand slapped his boots. The new air greeted him, harping in wild nerves, wind of wild air of seeds of brightness. Here, I am not walking out to the Kish lightship, am I? He stood suddenly, his feet beginning to sink slowly in the quaking soil. Turn back.

                                                                    JAMES JOYCE, Ulysses,
p.37. 265-269, 1910-1914

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Leila Rae, editor

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