Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Thursday


---Ritual para Jueves Santo

Llegan como mariposas 
de largas distancias, 
otros países, otros continentes, 
pies cansados, gastados, 
heridos, polvorientos 
de cruzar ríosy montes, 
selvas y desiertos 
huyendo hambre y asesinos. 
Y nosotros que vivimos 
en el imperio que los desplazó 
podemos hacer no menos 
que lo que hizo el Maestro: 
tiernamente lavales los pies 
y decirles, "Les tenemos lugar 
puesto en la mesa."

--------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2016



---Ritual for Holy Thursday

They come like butterflies 
from long distances, 
other countries, other continents,
feet tired, worn, wounded, dusty 
from crossing rivers & mountains, 
jungles & deserts 
fleeing hunger & murderers. 
& we who live in the empire 
that displaced them 
can do no less 
than what the Master did: 
to tenderly wash their feet 
& say, "We have a place 
set for you at the table."

-----------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2016 

Join us in this special event to honor immigrant communities.
Annual Footwashing Ceremony
Join us for our annual footwashing ceremony honoring our immigrant communities
Join us next Thursday, March 24th, at noon  for our unique annual footwashing ceremony for immigrants! This will be a beautiful and prayerful ceremony where we have the opportunity to respond to the toxic anti-immigration rhetoric with a meaningful and welcoming ritual of blessing.  This act of hospitality can serve as a healing ritual for the many immigrants who feel unwelcome in our nation, and it honors their dignity as human beings and full members of our community. 

This year we will hold the ritual in front of San Francisco's City Hall- as we pray that SF continue to be a symbol of inclusion and equal treatment under the law,  that regardless of people's immigration status, this City’s public institutions are there to serve them, not to turn them over to ICE.  

Faith leaders and city leaders will perform a foot-washing ceremony on the steps of
San Francisco City Hall to honor the common humanity of all immigrants - and to reject rhetoric which seeks to criminalize and divide the city's immigrant communities. 

The ritual will particularly highlight values of common humanity and the inherent dignity of each person. Faith leaders will celebrate  immigrants from all walks of life - including people who have past convictions.

Let us uphold and uplift the spirit of Sanctuary, radical hospitality and welcome.

Religious leaders of any tradition who would like to participate as a footwasher, please contact:    (Please wear religious attire.)

All immigrants invited to have their feet washed!

We hope to see you there!

What: Annual Footwashing Ceremony Honoring our Immigrant Community
Where: San Francisco City Hall
When: Thursday, March 24th at 12:00 noon

Rev. Deborah Lee
Daniel Pinell
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Nor. Cal Immigration Program
310 8th Street  #310
Oakland, CA  94607

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