Friday, June 25, 2021

SPACES: OAKLAND, Oakland City Hall & Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, July 9, 10, 11 and 16, 17, 18


Coming to you live and direct this July!

It is with great joy and excitement that I'm writing to invite you to SPACES: Oakland, which will be taking over the gorgeous City Hall of Oakland and Frank H. Ogawa Plaza July 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 & 18SPACES is an immersive experience that merges contemporary performance and the ancient art of storytelling, and is created and performed with the local community that gives Oakland its life and identity. 

All info about the show can be found HERE.

I am truly humbled by the wonderful team of Oakland artists and residents that has gathered around this project, and can't wait to share this piece with you.

Simón Adinia Hanukai

PS: stay tuned for SPACES: Saint-Denis happening this September/October! 



Your Physical & Emotional Safety is Important!

SPACES isn't a "traditional" performance, but an experience that will require your full engagement: you walk, sit, stand, move, and possibly connect with friends and strangers in a pressure-free environment.

It has been a while since all of us have ventured out to experience live performance. That is why, in order for you to be and feel safe, our team is working closely with the Oakland City Hall staff to have the appropriate measures in place: the space is very large, we limit audience size to 80, and require that all audience members wear a mask. In addition, all of our artists and crew, and the vast majority of our storytellers are vaccinated. Artists and storytellers will only remove their masks when at a safe distance from the audience.

Guests will receive an email with an up to date protocol in the days prior to attending the performance.

The first iteration of the SPACES project was commissioned by the 2017 Harlem Arts Festival. The piece was presented at the historic Mount Morris Ascension Presbyterian Church in the heart of Harlem, and was developed with wonderful local artists and storytellers. Witnesses of that piece urged us to continue the project, which has now been developed into a larger multifaceted initiative. SPACES is our antidote to the division our society has been experiencing, and a catalyst for healing, both locally and internationally.

Photo Credits:

* Top: Photo features SPACES: Oakland dancers Sarah Crowell, Rashidi Omar & Rose Huey.

Middle: Photo features SPACES: Oakland storytellers Rafael Jesús González.

* Bottom: Photo features SPACES: Oakland DJ Dion Decibels, and musicians Christelle Durandy & Mena Ramos.

All photos taken by Layeelah Muhammed.



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