Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bouquet of the season


Blessings of the season in which the Winter Solstice
brings increase of light;
may it illuminate our hearts & minds
that we may heal, achieve justice, find peace
& realize the paradise
from which we have never been expelled.

Holly Tanka

In the cold whiteness,
scalloped green flags, red lanterns —
holly in the snow —
more festive, more lovely than
tinsel strung across the streets.

--------------------------------------------©Rafael Jesús González 2007

Mistletoe Tanka

Winter stripped the trees,
but, they still greenly sport leaves,
fruiting mistletoe.
In scarce winter, the birds feast
and beneath it, fairies kiss.

----© Rafael Jesús González 2007

Flor de Noche Buena Tanka

Because it blooms at
midwinter’s holiest dark,
the friars called it
Flor de la Noche Buena,
bloom of the light-birthing night.

--------------------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2007

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