Saturday, January 31, 2015

riverbabble 26, Winter 2015


Artichoke by Christopher Novak

riverbabble 26


Liz Dolan:
         When a Lovely Flame Dies   

William Doreski:
         Fire Fox
         Moonlight, Fox Skull, and Mountains

Richard Fein:
          Neither Whiff of Cat nor Sight of Wicked Witch
          The Ethics of Fallen Apples

Rafael Jesús González:
           Advertencia al Hombre / Warning to Man
           Luna plena en verano de sequía / Full Moon in a Dry Summer

Tobey Kaplan:
          At Feather River
          Hotel Calcutta

Janell Moon:
          Water Meant for the Body's Care When the Drowned Days Weigh Her Down
          Red Girl

Christopher Mulrooney:
          look at the money

Sheryl L. Nelms:
          Chicken Canning Time in West Texas
          Coyote Hunting in Kansas

Robert Pesich:
          Chinese lanterns in a shadowbox
          Picking fruit along the road

dn simmers:
          When They Ceased

Virginia Barrett:   Falcon

Amy Neill Bebergal:   The Battle of Balls Bluff

Gary Beck:    I.D. Tags

Pamela Brenman:    The Stone Speaks

Suzanne Bruce:    January Pruning

jd daniels:   No Longer Endangered?

Stuart Dodds:   To the Almighty

KJ Hannah Greenberg:   First Showing

Kirk Lumpkin:    Recycling Center in El Cerrito

Justice Morríghan:   Sleeping With the New Resistance

JB Mulligan:   ballade

Anita S. Pulier:   One Poet Too Many

Armando Rendón:   Ode to Billie

Amy Ballard Rich:   Broken Ice

Tom Sheehan:   Evening of the Falcon

B.L.P. Simmons:   Falcon

John Swain:   Spearfish Canyon

David Welper:   Poem

Anne Whitehouse:   Bookends


Aryan Kaganof:   The Necrologist

Larry Lefkowitz:   Six Gun Dalton

Garrett Murphy:   The Stongstress of Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

Garrett Rowlan:   Hoop Schemes

James Shaffer:   The Silent Sentinel

Tom Sheehan:   The Falcon and a Peach Can

Flash Fiction

Tony Press:
           Beneath a December Moon
           Natural Healing

David Spicer:
           Poetry Wall

Lester L. Weil:
           Almost Adam and Eve
           "It Don't Matter"   In the vernacular, a dismissive phrase

Sharon Coleman:  Post-War Circus

Robert Masterson:   Cookie in the Picture

Tom Sheehan:   Once Upon a Timely Moment

Alice Whittenburg:   What the Dogs Knew


Christopher Novak:  Artichoke

Never about the runaway wife coming back, however much devoted to the absentee. The face at the window! Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half, wrecked in his affections. You little expected me but I've come to stay and make a fresh start. There she sits, a grasswidow, at the selfsame fireside. Believes me dead, rocked in the cradle of the deep.

                                                                    JAMES JOYCE, Ulysses, p.510. 16, 428-434.

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Leila Rae, editor

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