Thursday, January 12, 2017

full moon: Caligula & the Moon

-----Calígula y la luna

Calígula se dice
le hablaba a la luna llena.
¿Qué le diría a la diosa
de la caza, fría y casta?
¿Intentaría encandungarla
a su cama sucia
con sugerencias obscenas?
De las locuras megalómanas
de imperio ni la luna es salva.

----------© Rafael Jesús González 2017


-------Caligula & the Moon

Caligula it is said
talked to the full moon.
What did he say to the goddess
of the hunt, cold & chaste?
Did he try to lure her
to his dirty bed
with obscene suggestions?
From the megalomaniac madness
of empire not even the moon is safe.

---------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2017


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