Tuesday, July 16, 2019

full moon: The moon rises full tanka


La luna sale llena.
No hay briza que agite las campanillas de bambú,
sólo la luz las toca.
El silencio nocturno es un canto
en las harmonías de luz.

------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2019

Hasui Kawase 川瀬巴水 (1883 – 1957)

The moon rises full.
No breeze stirs the bamboo chimes;
only light plays them.
The night silence is a song
in the harmonics of light.

------------------------------© Rafael Jesús González 2019


1 comment:

coolstream said...

Querido amigo: I have fallen out of a tree into your poems. You have mastered the Tanka, a form I have long revered. As I recall our time in USN boot camp and the week I spent with your family in El Paso, I ( reflecting on a Long life) consider you to be the deepest spirit I've ever met. I hope to rekindle our friendship.
Carinosamente Senor,
Service de husted