Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jai Guru Dev

My guru, my beloved master his holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi died a few days ago on February 5th. Thirty-five years ago I was studying with him in La Antilla, Spain to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation; it was at that time that I wrote 'Para la iniciación de un maestro/For the Initiation of a Teacher' for a friend studying there with me. Those years, the Vietnam War terminating and hope for peace alive in our hearts, were luminous years for me, lit by the light of a great seer, the being who spoke the most truth with the most lucidity, the most depth and width whom I have ever known. An enlightened being, his light glows in the world yet.

Jai, jai Guru Dev

-----Para la iniciación de un maestro

----------------------(al modo Nahua)

Adórnate el pecho con el caracol marino,
----dueño de las palabras sacras,
----sacerdote de la luna de obsidiana clara.
La estrella vespertina dará luz a tus sueños;
el águila glorificará tu camino.

----Mira, amigo;
--------te doy flores encarnadas
--------como el licor sagrado;
--------canto, como el murmurar del mar.
Labrarás de jade el corazón,
tomarás posesión de la tinta roja, la tinta negra,
enriquecerás a la gente
----se formarán rostros.

Adórnate el pecho con el caracol marino:
----entra al teocalli, casa divina;
----ensaya los cantos; toma asiento;
----toma ablución; toma el manto blanco,
----el maíz, las flores;
----enciende el copal, el fuego;
----desparrama agua; ofrece frutos.
Tu amigo te ensarta un collar de flores
---------------------------------de canto —
Alégrate —
---------------sé alabado:
Adórnate el pecho con el caracol marino.

-----------------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

(El Hacedor de Juegos/The Maker of Games; Casa Editorial;
San Francisco 1977-78, derechos reservados del autor.)

------For the Initiation of a Teacher

---------------------(in the Nahua Mode)

Adorn you breast with the sea-snail,
----master of the sacred words,
----priest of the clear obsidian moon.
The evening star will light your dreams;
the eagle will glorify your path.

----Look, friend:
--------I give you red flowers
--------like the sacred liquor,
--------song like the murmur of the sea.
You shall carve your heart of jade,
possess the red ink, the black ink,
scatter precious plumes,
enrich the people —
-----they shall form a face.

Adorn your breast with the sea-snail:
----Enter the divine house;
----practice the songs, be seated,
----take ablution, take the white cloth,
----the corn, the flowers,
----light incense, fire,
----scatter water, offer fruit.

Your friend strings you a collar of flowers
------------------------------------of song —
Be joyful —
--------------be praised:
Adorn your breast with the sea-snail.

--------------© Rafael Jesús González 2008

(Creative Intelligence 4, London, Jan. 1974; p. 4; author’s copyrights.)


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