Sunday, November 21, 2010

Full moon: Chiron's Moon

----------Luna de Quirón

Tal vez sea porque es herido
que sea el centauro sabio en sanar.
Sana el toque de su mano
que ha sabido exprimir
de la luz de la luna
sus esencias perfumadas
cal y jazmín.
En el lustre de sus ancas
la luna se ve reflejar,
espejo fugaz y oscuro
lleno de invierno y de mar.
La saeta que dispara a la luna
es su canto y quejido de amar —
es sabio Quirón en sanar.

----------© Rafael Jesús González 2010

© Joyce Mason 1995-2009

------------Chiron's Moon

Perhaps it is because he Is wounded
that the centaur in healing is wise.
Healing is the touch of his hand
that has known how to squeeze
from the light of the moon
its perfumed essences
of jasmine & lime.
In the luster of his haunches
the moon sees herself reflected,
mirror fleeting & dark
full of winter & sea.
The arrow he shoots at the moon
is his song & his wail of love —
Chiron in healing is wise.

------------© Rafael Jesús González 2010

Harvard Collection of Maps, photograph by Fabián Monojo

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