Sunday, March 1, 2020

SUPER TUESDAY, March 3, 2020



In spite of the establishment, political elite Democrats, the neo-liberals, centrists, moderates beholden to big money who think that only a candidate not too frightenly different from Trmp can trounce Trmp, all indications show that Sen. Bernie Sanders is the best candidate positioned to trounce Trmp in a general election. And it scares the establishment Democrats as much as it does the Republicans. (Had Bernie Sanders been permitted to be the Democratic presidential candidate in the last election, he would have defeated Trmp and we would not be dealing with the disastrous results of a fascist administration.)

It is up to us — we need real, fundamental change to confront the crises that face us (climate change, an impending pandemic, torture on our southern border, a grievous inequity in wealth, civil and women's rights at stake, many without health care, perpetual war) and Sen. Bernie Sanders is that only candidate who is addressing the issues as part of a dysfunctional systemic whole. Bernie Sanders must be our choice.


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